Kit Cameron
San Francisco and Marin
Up at Nebo
Watercolor Hawaii
About the artist
Watercolor, Hawaii and other places
House and Garden Acrylic Paintings
Watercolor Marin
Road with poles, 11 x 15 inches, Waterlolor, 2023
Not sure where, watercolor, 11 x 15 inches, 2023
With two trees, watercolor, 15" x 22", 2022
Near the county line, watercolor, 15" x 22", 2022
A gate and a hill, watercolor, 15" x 22", 2022
With four cows, watercolor, 15" x 22", 2022
With two poles, watercolor, 15" x 19 7/8", 2022
on the Bolinas road, 2021, watercolor, 11" x 15"
from Fort Baker, 2021, watercolor, 11" x 15"
with two sheep, 2021, watercolor, 11" x 15"
Looking across the lagoon, watercolor, 11" x 15", 2021
It is what it is, watercolor, 11" x 15", 2021
The lagoon with fog coming in, watercolor, 11" x 15", 2021
on the way to Stinson, 2021, watercolor, 11" x 15"
The left coast, watercolor, 11" x 15", 2021
off the back road to Stinson, 2021, watercolor, 11" x 15"